Lessons taught and lessons learned!

So many things to think! Yesterday was my one year, one month mark. I can't believe all of the things I have experienced and all of the people I've been able to meet. Who would I be without my mission? Who am I with it? I am Colorado, I am Chile, Philippines, Canada, Peru, Russia, Connecticut, I am Korea, North Carolina, I am Arizona AND Texas, I am Germany, I am China. I am buttons and balloon scraps. I am President Uchtdorf's silent gongshow. I am bold and sometimes I am a brat. I am repentant. I am independent. I have seen Elders Holland, Cook, Oaks, and Christofferson. I have been in or to the temple roughly 20 times. I have served in 5 areas. I have served in 2 missions, with 2 mission presidents. I have OYMed hundreds of strangers, given out many of copies of the Book of Mormon, and sent more prayers to Heaven than ever before. I am engaged in THE Great Cause. 

Monday: We had a lesson with Underwear Guy! We went over and he came out onto his porch...Wearing clothes! I congratulated him and told him that it is absolutely essential for him to have pants on every time we come. We did find out that it was a dare from a friend. So that's good! He is 17 and searching for the truth. He is so interested in all religions. In fact, he was fasting with a Hindu friend from school just so that he could experience it. He is a bit awkward, but Sister Kiser and I are pretty bold so we asked him honest questions and he gave us honest answers. He is a really good kid. And he is also our new investigator!

Tuesday: President called Sister Kiser and I to tell us we would be housing more visa waiters this week, but only for a night or two. He also gave us a referral for a woman in the elders' stake (they requested Sister missionaries). We went to a lesson with our almost-deaf man and it was so sad because he wanted to give up! He said he couldn't hear us or read the book we had given him. Sister Kiser and I were so stubborn though and refused to give up!
That day, we did Family History with Janie. It was so fun! I forgot how much I actually love it until I got on the computer and started to find pictures and information for her family tree! 
That night, we had a lesson with a Less Active woman, her children, and her non-member husband. We did the Plan of Salvation lesson and set out little pieces with each part of the plan along the hallway. When the NM husband got to the Spirit world, resurrection, and judgement, he stopped and asked what to do. We said that he could choose where he wanted to go: Celestial Kingdom, Terrestrial, or Telestial. He said, Where do I WANT to go or where do I THINK I will go? And we said Where you WANT to be with your family. And in that moment, it was like he was understanding the reality of God's plan for him.

Wednesday: We had a lesson with our nearly-deaf man... Sister Kiser and I brought him a giant copy of the Book of Mormon, one of the large print ones! And we borrowed a microphone and amplifier from the mission office!  It was so crazy, but we wanted him to know how much we love him! And I went into it with the mindset that it is after ALL that we can do, that we are provided miracles. The district leader and his companion came with us, and a woman from the ward. The Spirit was so so strong, but the man was just so stubborn!! He said that he wanted to feel the Spirit or feel what we felt, but that he was just too old and couldn't change. The elders sang and they are SO GOOD! The Spirit filled the room, but the man wouldn't budge! Grrrr. Agency is tough!
We went teaching with a ward missionary that night. We visited this lady who opened the door and said, "There is ugly. And there is cute. And I am not cute." hahah. It made her even cuter!

Thursday: We had an amazing lesson with G****, our less-active who has been going to church and got her temple recommend back. Sister Kiser and I brought a dozen helium balloons, taught a lesson about the Anti-Nephi-Lehis burying their weapons of war, and focused on how the Atonement can help us LET GO of mistakes. We each took a couple of balloons, wrote things we wanted to let go of, and let them go all together!! It was such a relief!

Friday: Day of Faith walks and OYMs. Sister Kiser has been practicing and improving. 
We went to a family with a daughter out on a mission and the mom read us her email. The daughter is serving in the Ukraine and isn't allowed to wear her missionary tag or proselyte! I am so so grateful to serve here. I know a missionary tag isn't essential to preach the gospel, and words aren't either.. but I have learned to be bold in ways I couldn't be without words. 

Saturday: Sister Kiser was having a rough day. She felt inadequate as a missionary and was crying and I said that I was sorry for being so tough but that I only was because I know how much potential she has. She said that I am the trainer she asked for. She wanted to grow and she wanted a "kick in the butt," but that it was hard when she actually got it! I am so proud of her humility and I have no idea what I am doing as a trainer, but I just hope that the Lord is consecrating my efforts. 
We went to the less-active woman's house who loves for us to sing. Her son is LA too, and so she yelled for him to come in the room.. and he sang with us! We sang How Firm A Foundation! 

Sunday: Thirteen month mark (but I will forever say, "A little over a year"). Councils and correlations. The singing lady went to church! 
We had a really good lesson with Casey. She has such a sincere desire to learn and grow and be a good member of the church!! 

Crazy and wonderful week! I love you soo much!

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